Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Well, welcome to the world of blogging. I am totally aware that the sheer number of hours that will no doubt be put into this blog will go totally unnoticed by the world, however I still think it has some merit.

Blogging seems to be the contemporary diary, a place where random things can be recorded. I have created this as a way of recording my various observations and experiances as it sometimes helps to collate these in one place. As an Industrial Design student, I was told that keeping a record of various design related observations, no matter how random, is a good way to improve both design thinking and methodology. Its a way of reviewing and organising your thoughts for later use, much as you would lecture notes or meeting mintues. I am hoping to start doing design work outside of University under the 'EightEleven Design' banner and this blog will be a good way to collate and archive my work. Depending on how successful this plan is it may stay as a small time 'freebie' venture or it may hopefully turn into something that will one day earn a proper wage. Either way, I dont want to ever work a 9-5 job and my theory is that if I keep doing what I enjoy and am enthused about hopefully I'll find a way to make it pay.

I'm also into cars, and this blog will also serve as a record of cool and interesting cars I find, a few photos from car shows, updates and pics from my own motor racing endeavours and maybe a pic or two of my own restoration project, a 1979 Fiat X19. I wont update this blog with the details of the restoration, but for any anoraks the full story is told at

I'll start things off by adding a few photos and stories from the past year or so to kick things along. I may be the only person that ever reads this, but if I'm not I hope you, the visitor, finds something interesting.

High Five!

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