Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Test drive - Electric powered Fiat X19

I first met Edward Booth when he came to our home to inspect my Fiat X19 to determine its suitability for conversion into an electric car. About a year later we recieved a phone call inviting us to come down for a drive, so we did!

The electric engine and battery packs are purchased as a kit from the USA and can be fitted into pretty much any car. The X19 is ideal as it allows the engine to remain in the middle, with batteries in the front and rear boot compartments. The kit replaces the conventional gasoline engine with an electric one and still drives through the stock gearbox meaning driveshafts and hubs dont need to be changed.
Its an odd beast to drive, as the only sound to be heard is the rolling of tyres over the road (that and the infamous Fiat rattles). It almost feels quicker than a 1300cc X19, however this might be an illusion due to the extra torque. The electric engine has about the same power and lots more torque, however the weight of the batteries means its probably about as quick as a stock X19. You only use the clutch to change gears, and let me tell you taking off and coming to a stop without using the clutch just feels wrong. But its cheap transportation - Ed charges it from his solar panels on the roof so it really is free energy... but it still has a few issues, the biggest being its 300km range and several hour charge time from dead. Its a very interesting and fun creation, but not really a solution for the masses.

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