Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Vietnam, Cambodia & Singapore September '08

I was lucky enough to visit these countries in '08, and found the whole experiance to be an eye opener. That whole part of the world is just so different I dont know where to begin, but for now I'll just keep to a few of the automotive observations.

The biggest one is the lack of copyright laws in that part of the world. I walked into the Fiat dealership and in addition to the new Bravo and 500, they had 2 4WD's on the floor that looked suspiciously like a Toyota Prado and a Chevy Silverado. Something didnt seem right, and on closer inspection they were 'copies' of these cars. I also saw fake BMW X5's driving around but I was unable to snap a pic. It would be cool to import one to Australia for a bit of a laugh!

Vietnam is a hectic place, and its very rare that you see nice expensive cars. However, when you did they really stood out. I dont know why, but I found something very compelling in the apparent calmness these cars provided in a sea of chaos. It was hard to photograph them without getting run over by the thousands of scooters than zoom around, but I managed a few. Ive tried to capture this 'stilness' and I think the cars make for interesting subject matter.

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